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Waiting List: - St Andrews Allotments are happy to welcome new tenants, to add your name to our waiting list please contact the Secretary using the form below.


As a guide to taking on an allotment plot the RHS, Allotments: - Getting Started provides some useful infromation.




Not mentioned on the RHS Allotment page but still important to consider: -


Time & Effort - Taking on and maintaining a plot requires some time and effort throughout the year; preparation, planting, weeding, harvesting and keeping a plot tidy is an ongoing task.


Money - You will need a budget for tools, seeds, compost/maure and other essential items. It is also worth considering that growing your own isn't always a saving, buying your vegetables from the market can sometimes work out cheaper.

















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We presently have 43 people on our waiting list.

Note - you will need to live within 2 mile from the allotment to apply for our waiting list.

Note:- we are unable to give an estimated time for waiting as this is dependent on present tenants leaving.

Thanks for submitting!

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